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european league of legends team & community

Moş Crăciun
7 posters

    Does elo hell exist?


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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  Faroudja Sun 28 Jul 2013 - 0:30

    being Diamond on nordic EU (AKA alaplaya server) = my Silver 4

    GJ raoul u got the same elo as me

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  HighD Sun 28 Jul 2013 - 0:36

    Faroudja wrote:being Diamond on nordic EU (AKA alaplaya server) = my Silver 4

    GJ raoul u got the same elo as me

    1vs1 Raoul vs Faro. Riot pls
    Sounds like a challenge?

    I WON PDRIN 3-0. Get humiliated bish.

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  pantalonesco Sun 28 Jul 2013 - 1:55

    pls I want to see that 1 v 1

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  Pdrin Sun 28 Jul 2013 - 2:27

    we got an INTERNET FIGHT

    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 69162-Everybody-ready-INTERNET-FIGHT
    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  Moş Crăciun Sun 28 Jul 2013 - 21:47

    That's my jungler! Diamond III on West, he moved from East when he was Diamond V.

    Now here's his smurf on East. Looks like D3 on West has some troubles to get D1 on East. So tell me more about Silver = Diamond.. jn3b00n

    Sorry Faro, I'm tired of playing soraka AD vs randoms. No more 1v1 for the moment. xD I'm not really good at 1v1 but it wouldn't be balanced anyway, guess why ^^

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  HighD Sun 28 Jul 2013 - 22:22

    Moş Crăciun wrote:

    That's my jungler! Diamond III on West, he moved from East when he was Diamond V.

    Now here's his smurf on East. Looks like D3 on West has some troubles to get D1 on East. So tell me more about Silver = Diamond.. jn3b00n

    Sorry Faro, I'm tired of playing soraka AD vs randoms. No more 1v1 for the moment. xD I'm not really good at 1v1 but it wouldn't be balanced anyway, guess why ^^

    Would you be up for few games with your team in the near future? If your team schedule doesn't allow it, tell them we are baaad and it would be a 20 minutes game anyways.
    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  Moş Crăciun Mon 29 Jul 2013 - 4:16

    Well, they're trolling me.. xD

    [1:17:13 PM] marean: no ty
    [1:17:25 PM] Raoul: de ce? Very Happy
    [1:17:33 PM] marean: they pay?
    [1:17:35 PM] Raoul: XD

    can't blame them Very Happy

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  HighD Mon 29 Jul 2013 - 7:56

    Moş Crăciun wrote:Well, they're trolling me.. xD

    [1:17:13 PM] marean: no ty
    [1:17:25 PM] Raoul: de ce? Very Happy
    [1:17:33 PM] marean: they pay?
    [1:17:35 PM] Raoul: XD

    can't blame them Very Happy

    Dude's a beast, one hell of a guy!
    As if we don't pay the Romanians enough, day by day, now they want my fucking money here as well. Literally you can't walk through Berlin without getting asked by an armless/legless Romanian "Dyouu haa money".. meanwhile 20 metres further away a fat Mercedes is waiting to get the money. Whatever, contact me if you change your opinion.
    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  Moş Crăciun Mon 29 Jul 2013 - 10:12

    You're right about that but don't throw in my face my nationality, I don't really wanna feel ashamed for something I can't change and it's not like I've ever said I'm patriotic or so. xD

    If they change their opinion, I'll let you know.

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  pantalonesco Mon 29 Jul 2013 - 14:08

    HighD wrote:
    Moş Crăciun wrote:Well, they're trolling me.. xD

    [1:17:13 PM] marean: no ty
    [1:17:25 PM] Raoul: de ce? Very Happy
    [1:17:33 PM] marean: they pay?
    [1:17:35 PM] Raoul: XD

    can't blame them Very Happy

    Dude's a beast, one hell of a guy!
    As if we don't pay the Romanians enough, day by day, now they want my fucking money here as well. Literally you can't walk through Berlin without getting asked by an armless/legless Romanian "Dyouu haa money".. meanwhile 20 metres further away a fat Mercedes is waiting to get the money. Whatever, contact me if you change your opinion.

    Looks like berlin is the opposite of dresden o.O in spain I saw it everywhere and I was surprised in dresden when I went out 0 homeless

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    Post  HighD Mon 29 Jul 2013 - 15:45

    Well, if you would be a foreigner and you want to get your money here, Dresden and generally the state Saxony might be the worst place to do so. They have the highest number of active national socialists in Germany. If you see a lot of bald heads there, don't ask them if they had a fine chemotherapy, they are just nazis. Moreover it's a poor place, with a lot of jobless people.

    Anyways Berlin <-> Dresden is like Detroit <-> The White House. Dresden used to be the most beautiful city in Europe, before the british bomb attacks arrived. Still it's full with castles, big churches, cathedrals and so on, typical tourist attraction for old grandmas.
    Some say Berlin is quite beautiful as well, but then they haven't seen Amsterdam, Copenhagen or Milan.
    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  Moş Crăciun Mon 29 Jul 2013 - 22:48

    We spoke it a bit more seriously after I showed them your post and they said:

    "If they really want to scrim us, tell them to come on eune, not us on euw. Example from football. Barcelona or Manchester go in China, Australia, Japan for $, not for training." The other part is in english, I'll just coppy paste.

    [11:06:51 AM] Pastarnac: if they challenge us .. they should move their asses
    [11:06:53 AM] Pastarnac: not us
    [11:06:55 AM] marean: exactly

    And that's pretty much the story. We don't decline the scrim offer but neither put any effort to make it possible. We are available on East for free scrims.

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  HighD Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 0:31

    Forget it then, this sounds a bit too serious. Not really a scrimmage nor a challenge I was looking for, we're a bunch of randoms who barely play this game together anymore. Rather it's: if you want to have fun, meanwhile kicking our asses, let's play. Why? Easy tiger, to show us the difference of how far someone can get in this game, and the contrary to that, how low aka no improvement; to laugh about the people who attacked you in this thread. You can laugh about them anyways? Don't need to win them to laugh? ... Whatever then.


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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  Atom Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 21:28

    You are damn right about comparing us (I include myself although i'm inactive) with China or USA football teams. The funny thing is you compare yourselves with Barça or ManU...that's very romanian btw, at least the romanian ppl I know around here. Cocky proud, sometimes senseless.

    Meanwhile I will watch LCS every weekend as I usually do , but now waiting for you to show your heads there.

    Tbh I haven't clicked in any of the links you post. To me, there are only few kind of players:

    -LCS players.
    -EUW challengers.
    -The rest, from you to faro or me, including go4lol tryharders and Diamond II. Trash.
    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  Moş Crăciun Wed 31 Jul 2013 - 10:09

    Raoul wrote:-Professional Korean players.
    -The rest, from you to faro or me, including go4lol tryharders and Diamond II. Trash.

    I'd rather say it like that, if we talk ONLY about skill.

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  HighD Wed 31 Jul 2013 - 11:31

    True that, the difference between weekly european LCS games and the OGN games is absurd. Besides Gambit and Forellenlord/Creaton I hardly don't see anyone here able to make plays like it happens every fucking game with Faker or Godlife and 100 others. Maybe it's just me but the american LCS games are even more entertaining than the european ones (well yea they have stronger personalities).

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    Does elo hell exist? - Page 2 Empty Re: Does elo hell exist?

    Post  Atom Wed 31 Jul 2013 - 11:59

    Agree in some way with both, but I think asian shines because their discipline and trainning. Of course combined with the highest skill, but xPeke, Alex Ich, Froggen, DL and so on are paired with them if we talk about skill and talent, but miles away about discipline and taking their job seriously.

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