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    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff


    Posts : 421
    Join date : 2011-04-13
    Location : Germany (Berlin)

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Empty New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff

    Post  HighD Tue 23 Aug 2011 - 2:29

    Reverse Annie - What an ugly skin o_Ô Looks like a counterpedo skin lol, I can't imagine some old grandpas will be horny after seeing this skin. The throat... Reminds me on Fantasy Tennis gacha shit...

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Annie

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Annie_Splash_6

    Victorious Jarvan IV ( Reward for Gold and Platinum ratings ) - Well that was the only thing I was sad for not being higher rated. But hm, I kinda dislike. Nothing special, there are way better Jarvan skins ;o

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Jarvan

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff JarvanIV_Splash_4

    Demolisher Nunu - Great Nunu skin

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Nunu

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Nunu_Splash_5

    Pax Sivir - Best Sivir skin for sure, really nice one. Unfortunately I am not a Sivir fan. You like Nerd?

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Sivir

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Sivir_Splash_5

    Dragonslayer Vayne
    - Must-have for me, epic skin.

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Vayne

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Vayne_Splash_3

    .. and the Talon skins. Nothing special but solid work.

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Talon_Splash_0

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Talon_Splash_1

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Talon_Splash_2

    Posts : 294
    Join date : 2011-04-13
    Age : 36
    Location : Madrid

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Empty Re: New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff

    Post  Pdrin Tue 23 Aug 2011 - 10:57

    they all look like a 5 years old work... i had to laught at annie and jarvan, but the rest are priceless as well xDDD

    Posts : 120
    Join date : 2011-04-20

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Empty Re: New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff

    Post  Poseidon Tue 23 Aug 2011 - 11:48

    Pdrin wrote:they all look like a 5 years old work... i had to laught at annie and jarvan, but the rest are priceless as well xDDD

    the 3d models will always look bad cause ig you'll be watching them from above, I think ig most of these will look great. Another Annie skin tho <.<.. Wait but, her ulti's gonna be giant Annie???

    Posts : 120
    Join date : 2011-04-20

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Empty Re: New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff

    Post  Poseidon Wed 24 Aug 2011 - 4:23


    Tibbers - New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Index

    Looks so cool.

    Pentakill Karthus too New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Karthus_Splash_4

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Index

    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2011-04-13
    Age : 28
    Location : always behiiiind uuu è__é ~

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Empty Re: New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff

    Post  KirchenMaus Wed 24 Aug 2011 - 10:27

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff TzLTs

    Posts : 120
    Join date : 2011-04-20

    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Empty Re: New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff

    Post  Poseidon Wed 24 Aug 2011 - 10:53

    Ye the new ping looks cool, white ping and the chat thing is even cooler. TEAM MEMBER 1 SIGNALS TEAM MEMBER 2 TO FALL BACK. TEAM MEMBER 1 SIGNALS EVERYONE TO FALL BACK!!!!

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    New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff Empty Re: New skins Talon patch - Gud and bad stuff

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