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    IEM Kiev semifinal: SK vs M5 review


    Posts : 287
    Join date : 2011-04-13
    Age : 50

    IEM Kiev semifinal: SK vs M5 review Empty IEM Kiev semifinal: SK vs M5 review

    Post  Atom Sat 21 Jan 2012 - 5:22

    IEM Kiev semifinal: SK vs M5 review 028074b41243d53ed8340da97195bf39[/img]

    Ocelote got his first blue, being Anivia and Morgana in the second match, maybe the 4th respawn. Almost the same for red buff, map domination.

    (For the non spanish ppl, the second pic is from a known troll of spanish trashTV).
    LB Chris
    LB Chris

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    Join date : 2011-04-13

    IEM Kiev semifinal: SK vs M5 review Empty Re: IEM Kiev semifinal: SK vs M5 review

    Post  LB Chris Sat 21 Jan 2012 - 5:27

    seems like m5 is totally destroying everyone so far. at least the games i saw.
    looked pretty helpless when sk went kamikaze in the second game to protect the 4th blue buff -> losing fight 4-0. no chance at all

    Posts : 287
    Join date : 2011-04-13
    Age : 50

    IEM Kiev semifinal: SK vs M5 review Empty Re: IEM Kiev semifinal: SK vs M5 review

    Post  Atom Sat 21 Jan 2012 - 15:18

    These guys have invented a new concept: Jungler doesn't gank lanes, lanes gank jungle. This way, they deny buffs to carries (what's an Anivia or Morgana without blue?), they outlevel the jungler and they control the map.

    Let's see if TSM have any solution to counter them. I hope so. But atm M5 are showing the best teamplay ever, even better than DreamHack Fnatic's coordination.

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