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3 posters

    Google translate

    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

    Posts : 214
    Join date : 2011-04-13
    Age : 30
    Location : Craiova, Romania

    Google translate Empty Google translate

    Post  Moş Crăciun Sat 16 Jul 2011 - 9:13


    Translate this from German to German and press Listen. xD

    Posts : 120
    Join date : 2011-04-20

    Google translate Empty Re: Google translate

    Post  Poseidon Sun 17 Jul 2011 - 3:10

    LB Raoul wrote:


    Translate this from German to German and press Listen. xD

    As I didn't want to point this out in normal threads but in spam I can - Your signature dissapoints me =/. You have the shittier Janna and Sona skins there Q_Q!!!
    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

    Posts : 214
    Join date : 2011-04-13
    Age : 30
    Location : Craiova, Romania

    Google translate Empty Re: Google translate

    Post  Moş Crăciun Sun 17 Jul 2011 - 3:16

    Poseidon wrote:As I didn't want to point this out in normal threads but in spam I can - Your signature dissapoints me =/. You have the shittier Janna and Sona skins there Q_Q!!!


    Your opinion disappoints me ;D C'mon,they're great skins! What about Annie's one? :)

    Posts : 421
    Join date : 2011-04-13
    Location : Germany (Berlin)

    Google translate Empty Re: Google translate

    Post  HighD Sun 17 Jul 2011 - 20:03

    I think you picked the better Sona skin, the other one is nothing special since the majority of Sona players bought it. In case there is a 3rd one I can't even remember, must be bad then. xD About Janna, still I dislike all of her skins but my choice would be different to urs.

    Nerd should use google translate for your sentence in signature, I feel like it's for him. ^^
    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

    Posts : 214
    Join date : 2011-04-13
    Age : 30
    Location : Craiova, Romania

    Google translate Empty Re: Google translate

    Post  Moş Crăciun Mon 18 Jul 2011 - 6:36

    HighD wrote:Nerd should use google translate for your sentence in signature, I feel like it's for him. ^^

    lol! Damn, I would agree with your feelings instantly, but.. I don't wanna make someone cry. lol!

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