I honestly can not believe we won this match. We started the match pretty even during laning phase but Ryze combined with low map awareness and boots of mobility were just too much too handle. Jax and Yi were so aggravated by Ryze that they fed the entire match by running into the opponents forest searching to catch him solo. You'd think after a few deaths a piece they would figure out they cant take him.
Yi and Amumu also wanted to quit but using the powers of positive reinforcement our hopes were still alive. Me and Amumu quickly figured that Ryze is pretty useless with a banshees veil.It took Yi 50 minutes.Jax never managed to catch on. With all our banshees at the ready we could have easily wiped them out in a 5 vs 5 and taken their nexus safely. But Yi really enjoys nail bite finishes so he continued to run around solo when we all knew the last team fight would win the match. So it comes down to a western show down. Jax is dead from running around solo so just Me,Amumu,and Malz were left to fend off a 3 vs 5. After a valiant fight we took out 4 of them and all that was standing between morde his ,ghost and the nexus was one tower. To nobody's surprise Yi continuing his backdoor throughout the entire match had to fight through 3 towers and the nexus for us to win the match. It all came down to this moment. Morde beating down our nexus while Yi had to eat through two towers and the nexus and face his respawning team.
We all know the ending from the screenshot. Some would call Yi the hero of the match.We would have won much much more easily if he just fought with us instead.
The real hero here was us buying magic resist and 3/5th of their team ignoring resistance. If they bought any resistance at all we would have been crushed.
Also who would have ever thought to much Hp could be a bad thing.