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Moş Crăciun
6 posters

    Assess the movie before you!

    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

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    Post  Moş Crăciun Fri 12 Aug 2011 - 3:16

    Well, since my music is voted so bad in this forum, I try to open another topic, maybe I get better marks here. xD

    The rules are easy..

    Poster A posts a movie
    Poster B gives a rating of the movie in x/10, explains his opinion and then posts another movie
    Poster C rates the movie B posted, and so on...

    Ok, my first movie. It's a movie I saw yesterday and I liked a lot. Its name is Orphan (2009). The story is about an orphan little(xD) girl who is adopted by a family with other two children. The action starts when in the house happens strange things.

    I hope your rate will come with an explanation. It's the kind of movie I love, so I would be disappointed to see a bad mark ^ ^

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    Post  Atom Sun 14 Aug 2011 - 2:45

    I don't know if I am the only one who hasn't watched this film. Anybody who has watched should follow, or Raoul, you could post another one...
    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

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    Post  Moş Crăciun Sun 14 Aug 2011 - 5:43

    Here's a link where you can see the movie. Just ignore romanian stuff. xD (I hope you're not like me,and you understand english)

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    Post  pantalonesco Sun 14 Aug 2011 - 23:26

    (I hope you're not like me,and you understand english)

    I'm like you xD

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    Post  Atom Mon 15 Aug 2011 - 5:02

    NnN Raoul wrote:

    Here's a link where you can see the movie. Just ignore romanian stuff. xD (I hope you're not like me,and you understand english)

    "Personally I am always ready to watch a good movie, although I do not always like being forced to"
    W. Churchill's cousin

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    Post  Atom Sun 21 Aug 2011 - 5:18

    Ok, I will follow or better to say "restart", since I havent seen this film.

    I'll try with a (I hope so) more popular movie, and I will post a not very old one, to avoid stupid* comments like "I don't like old movies blabla...davidghettablabla"

    (*)Art is ageless.
    Moş Crăciun
    Moş Crăciun

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    Post  Moş Crăciun Tue 30 Aug 2011 - 7:03

    Well I tried to watch this movie but I slept. Not rly because it was boring but I was too tired anyway and I usually sleep at english movies if I'm tired. (was ~ 6:00 am) But I spoke with Dumy about it and he said he saw the movie and liked. Maybe he comes here and comment the movie, who knows? :-"

    Btw, Atom. "Personally I created this thread to be forced to watch new movies" Sir Raoul

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    Post  Atom Sun 4 Sep 2011 - 20:31

    Ah Sir Raoul, sry then, i didn't understand like that. But if you want me forced to watch the movie you or another dude posted, this is not my thread. Don't count on me, since nobody forced (successfully) me ever to watch any movie and I think it's a very bad way to meet a film (personal opinion).
    LB Chris
    LB Chris

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    Post  LB Chris Mon 5 Sep 2011 - 3:13

    i like the idea of rating movies, but since the thread started being dead the moment it was born thx to the unknown movie, i'm going to rate inception =/

    Christopher Nolan is a GOD! no doubt and no need to discuss about it.
    together with quentin the best film director of all time. (just my opinion)

    great idea behind the movie, great acting, great effects, AWESOME soundtrack and so on. its simply a good movie.

    Atom wrote:

    I'll try with a (I hope so) more popular movie, and I will post a not very old one, to avoid stupid* comments like "I don't like old movies blabla...davidghettablabla"

    id be happy to see some "older movies" here too. inception is one of really few "famous,popular mainstream" movies of the past few years, which i'd give a 10/10.
    sadly most of my favorite movies (which are mostly not older than 10-15 years) are unknown to the most people nowadays.

    here comes my movie then. its my favorite (gangster) comedy movie of all time i guess. with brad pitt in his best role of all time! (even jason statham is doing good in guy ritchie movies^^)


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    Post  Solomun Mon 5 Sep 2011 - 22:05

    It's fucking One Punch Mickey !!!
    This movie is a great example of the quiality that the British films have. I'm a big fan of their humor but in combination with cool dialogues and crazy characters ( what was the accent mickey has spoken? just hillarious even it was hard to catch some words ) makes this movie worth seeing.Apart from 'Burn After Reading' Brad is playing his first nice 'funny' role like a pro.
    But hay I also waited impatiently to see Brad Pitt fighting (fight club feeling) again , he's such a bad ass. In parts I was bored cause of the cliched talks about weapons, drugs and blabla .
    8,5/10 ( you should watch 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang' , I guess you will like it ;D )

    My chosen movie is There Will Be Blood

    'When ambition meets faith ' I was wavering between this movie and No Country for Old Men but I decided for There Will Be Blood because of its intensity of the characters(no doubts Javier Bardem played simply amazing his roleas well ,alone ^^), perfectly developed scenes and Daniel Day-Lewis who impressed me in his role like no other(two fcking Oscars for this man).


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    Post  Atom Mon 5 Sep 2011 - 22:43

    There will be blood....omfg, what a nice and raw movie. I liked it a lot, although I did not get frightened by the attitude of DD Lewis, since it's a role that I could see every day in my job. As we say in spain "I would sell to you even my mother for two cents". 9/10 for it, not 10 because there are some more favourites for me, but I liked everything on this film.

    Like this classic one, I got the sensation that something changed when I saw this film for the first time:


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    Post  HighD Tue 6 Sep 2011 - 0:27

    Oh gosh Solomun, just a random question but you watched There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men on the same day? I remember when both movies got released, I wasn't sure what to watch as first. Both were oscar favourites, so I decided to watch There Will Be Blood and afterwards NCfOM. Was kinda good choice. There Will Be Blood lasted like 150 minutes and I had to concentrate the whole time, a lot of talks and intensive scenes. Probably I remember only 1 action scene, the gas explosion. Then I watched NCfOM and it was completely different, more action and less talks, but every scene still intensive and with quality. Bah 2 epic movies, thanx for remembering me back. ;P

    Indeed about Snatch/Kiss Kiss Bang Bang by the way. Seems like Chris finally found his third movie dude after me. xD

    And Atom, u know I am so fuckin happy you gave me in Fantasy Tennis times the suggestion to watch A clockwork orange, will be in my personal top 3 movies forever. Epic movie, the begin... with the milk glasses or the scene with "It's raining man".. omg! 11/10

    Then I will continue with L.A. Crash. I am a big fan of the so called episode movies, several parts will build a final picture at the end of the movie. Like Babel, like 21 Grams and so on. L.A. Crash is the winner of Oscar 2006, there is an epic scene with the car crash, I guess people which watched this movie know about what I am speaking. The director did a great job when an even not-so-well-performing actress like Sandra Bullock does a good job there.

    It's the sense of touch.

    Any real city,

    you walk.

    You know?

    You brush by people,

    they bump into you.

    In L.A. nobody touches you.

    We’re always behind this metal and glass.

    It's the sense of touch.

    I think we miss that touch so much

    that we crash into each other

    just so we can feel something.


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    Post  Atom Tue 6 Sep 2011 - 0:32

    It's raining man, hahahhaha, you have invented a new version, A Gaywork orange Let's say "singing in the rain" . But yeah, all scenes in that movie are so fucking epic.
    I let another one to rate LA Crash, although I watched it and liked it too, with very nice moments like the one you said.

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    Post  HighD Tue 6 Sep 2011 - 0:41

    Ah ye, fuu xD Omg it's raining man.. hahaha.

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    Post  Solomun Tue 6 Sep 2011 - 8:15

    Due to the fame of the Coen Brothers I started with No Country..., too bad Anderson made just a few but high carat movies.

    To the Clock:
    I wanted to watch this movie such a long time agoooooo BUT I read the book first( nto long ago) and was simply amazed, at the beginning. The further I read the more and more I was disappointed by the dullness and easiness of the end. Do you have moments when you won't believe that the end of an awesome book is so fucking bad that you want start to cry and read it faster and faster with a hope it goes another way around ?
    I really dont know whether I should watch this movie or not, have you read the book too ?

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    Post  Atom Tue 6 Sep 2011 - 10:59

    I will not read it. For sure.
    My tip would be: try to forget everything about the novel and get surrounded by the visuals of every single scene on this film.
    LB Chris
    LB Chris

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    Post  LB Chris Wed 7 Sep 2011 - 5:24

    since no one else is rating,i will do.
    i liked LA Crash a LOT when i saw it, great story and i like the idea of different stories inside the movie which meet at the end somehow ( Snatch, Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels and so on).
    i'll rate it with "just" 8/10, cuz for now just great movies were posted and not every movie deserves a 10/10 imo, so lets put some new standards Wink
    (if this movie would have been posted as the fist one, i would have given a 9/10 or maybe a 10/10, but imo there are better ones outside, only reason for "just" 8/10)

    ok, here i'll go again: The Usual Suspects

    i think it was this movie, which made me become a movie fan. if i wouldnt have seen it in my young years, i would have maybe got used to simple "popcorn cinema movies" (dont know if that term is used in english^^, " easy entertainment movies") and would have become a "david guetta movies watcher" as atom would say Razz

    this movie flashed me, especially the end of course (best done ending in any movie ive seen so far) and made me become a fan of "surprising end" movies. theres nothing that i like more, than to be flashed at the end.
    long live Keyser Soze Smile

    (made me kinda sad when no one knew this movie in essence forum^^)

    LB Chris
    LB Chris

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    Post  LB Chris Mon 12 Dec 2011 - 4:01

    sadly no one seems to judge "the usual suspects", so i'll try with another movie. so i'll give it a 10/10 myself.
    maybe there are some more people that know this one:

    when i read the description of the movie (sth like: two magicians in the 19th century start as friends, but become rivals to see who is the best bla bla), i was like "what the shit is this?", but thx to my trust in nolan i still watched it.
    for everyone who hasnt seen it yet: Do it now

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    Post  Atom Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 1:47

    LB Chris wrote:Do it now
    Done, although I took 3 months. 8/10 I liked this good film.

    My next one is (again) a Kubrick's film, maybe not so known, the epic Barry Lyndon from 1975:

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